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List of Information Technology (IT) abbreviation

“ I.T. ” Stands for " Information Technology ", It refers to anything related to  computer technology , such as  networking ,  har...

List of Abbreviations - M

I.T.” Stands for "Information Technology", It refers to anything related to computer technology, such as networkinghardwaresoftwarethe Internet, or the people that work with these technologies. IT jobs including computer programming, network administration, computer engineeringWeb development, technical support, and other related occupations. 

As we live in the "information age," information technology has become a part of our everyday lives education. That means the term "IT," already highly overused, is here to stay. So IT is not a small subject. It is a largest subject and it use a lot of abbreviations. So if you want to study as well in this subject or if you want to get IT (Information Technology) Related job, of course you need to read that what is abbreviation which is used in IT. So I have collected a list of Information Technology IT abbreviation for you.

So enjoy…

Information Technology (IT) and Computing Abbreviation List


IT Abbreviation List - A

This comprehensive collection highlights abbreviations covering advanced computing environments, artificial intelligence, encryption standards, programming frameworks, network protocols, and hardware architectures. It serves as a vital resource for IT professionals and enthusiasts exploring modern and legacy systems.

AA = Anti-Aliasing

AAA = Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting
AAL = ATM Adaptation Layer
AAL5 = ATM Adaptation Layer 5
AALC = ATM Adaptation Layer Connection
AAM = Advanced Acoustic Model
AAP = Advanced Application Program
AARP = AppleTalk Address Resolution Protocol
ABE = Attribute-Based Encryption
ABEND = Abnormal End
ABF = Access-Based Enumeration
ABM = Activity-Based Management / Asynchronous Balanced Mode
ABNF = Augmented Backus-Naur Form
ABR = Area Border Router / Auto Baud-Rate detection / Average Bitrate
ABS = Abstract Base System
ACD = Automatic Call Distributor
ACDSee = Advanced Continuous Documentation See
ACE = Advanced Computing Environment
ACID = Atomicity Consistency Isolation Durability
ACL = Access Control List
ACL2 = A Computational Logic for Applicative Common Lisp
ACM = Association for Computing Machinery
ACME = Automated Classification of Medical Entities
ACMS = Application Configuration Management System
ACP = Airline Control Program
ACPI = Advanced Configuration and Power Interface
ACQ = Acquisition
ADB = Android Debug Bridge
ADC = Analog-to-Digital Converter
ADCCP = Advanced Data Communications Control Procedures
ADAM = Active Directory Application Mode
ADF = Application Development Framework
ADI = Application-Defined Interface
ADSL = Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
ADT = Abstract Data Type
ADTX = Advanced Disk Technology
AD = Active Directory / Administrative Domain
AE = Adaptive Equalizer
AES = Advanced Encryption Standard
AES-CCM = Advanced Encryption Standard Counter with CBC-MAC
AES-NI = Advanced Encryption Standard New Instructions
AFAIK = As Far As I Know
AFS = Andrew File System
AGA = Advanced Graphics Architecture
AGC = Automatic Gain Control
AGP = Accelerated Graphics Port
AI = Artificial Intelligence
AIFF = Audio Interchange File Format
AIoT = Artificial Intelligence of Things
AIC = Advanced Intelligent Controller
AIE = Artificial Intelligence Engine
AIM = AOL Instant Messenger
AIT = Advanced Intelligent Tape
AM = Access Method / Active Matrix / Active Monitor / Allied Mastercomputer / Amplitude Modulation
AMF = Action Message Format
AMIE = Associate Member of the Institute of Engineers
AML = A Machine Language
AMOLED = Active-Matrix Organic Light-Emitting Diode
AMPP = Apache, MySQL, PHP, and Perl
AMPPS = Apache, MySQL, PHP, Perl, and Python Stack
AMS = Application Management Services
AMR = Audio Modem Riser
AMQP = Advanced Message Queuing Protocol
ANN = Artificial Neural Network
ANSI = American National Standards Institute
ANSI SQL = American National Standards Institute Structured Query Language
ANOVA = Analysis of Variance
ANFIS = Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System
ANG = Angular
ANL = Argonne National Laboratory
ANT = Another Neat Tool
ANT+ = Adaptive Network Topology Plus
AO = Adaptive Optics
AoE = ATA over Ethernet
AOP = Aspect-Oriented Programming
APC = Advanced Process Control
APCI = Application-Layer Protocol Control Information
API = Application Programming Interface
API GW = Application Programming Interface Gateway
APIC = Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller
APIPA = Automatic Private IP Addressing
APL = A Programming Language
APM = Application Performance Monitoring
APP = Application
APS = Application Processing System
APR = Apache Portable Runtime
APU = Accelerated Processing Unit
ARC = Adaptive Replacement Cache / Advanced RISC Computing
ARIMA = Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving Average
ARM = Advanced RISC Machines
ARM64 = Advanced RISC Machines 64-bit
AROS = AROS Research Operating System
ARP = Address Resolution Protocol
ARPA = Address and Routing Parameter Area / Advanced Research Projects Agency
ARPANET = Advanced Research Projects Agency Network
ARPES = Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy
AR = Augmented Reality
ASA = Adaptive Security Appliance
ASCII = American Standard Code for Information Interchange
ASF = Advanced Systems Format
ASIC = Application-Specific Integrated Circuit
ASIMO = Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility
ASM = Algorithmic State Machine
ASMP = Asymmetric Multiprocessing
ASN.1 = Abstract Syntax Notation One
ASP = Application Service Provider
ASP.NET = Active Server Pages .NET
ASPM = Active State Power Management
ASR = Automated Speech Recognition
ASG = Abstract Semantic Graph
ASX = Advanced Stream Redirector File
AT = Access Time / Advanced Technology / Active Terminator
ATAG = Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines
ATA = Advanced Technology Attachment
ATAPI = Advanced Technology Attachment Packet Interface
ATASM = Atmel Macro Assembler
ATC = Air Traffic Control
ATF = Advanced Technology File
ATI = Array Technologies Inc.
ATM = Asynchronous Transfer Mode
ATMOS = Advanced Technology Music Operating System
ATX = Advanced Technology Extended
AVC = Advanced Video Coding
AVI = Audio Video Interleaved
AVIFF = Audio Video Interchange File Format
AWK = Aho Weinberger Kernighan
AWT = Abstract Window Toolkit

IT abbreviation list - B

This updated compilation integrates IT abbreviations spanning networking protocols, business technologies, hardware components, file formats, software frameworks, and communication standards, providing a broad spectrum of insights into modern computing and digital ecosystems.

BEEP = Blocks Extensible Exchange Protocol
BER = Bit Error Rate
BFD = Bidirectional Forwarding Detection
BFD = Binary File Descriptor
BGP = Border Gateway Protocol
BI = Business Intelligence
BINAC = Binary Automatic Computer
BIND = Berkeley Internet Name Domain
BIOS = Basic Input Output System
BJT = Bipolar Junction Transistor
BMP = Basic Multilingual Plane
Blob = Binary Large Object
Blog = Web Log
BOM = Byte Order Mark
BOM = Bill of Materials
BOINC = Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing
BOOTP = Bootstrap Protocol
BPDU = Bridge Protocol Data Unit
BPL = Broadband over Power Lines
BPM = Business Process Modeling
BPMN = Business Process Model and Notation
BPS = Bits Per Second
BR = Backup and Restore
BRR = Business Readiness Rating
BSA = Business Software Alliance
BSB = Backside Bus
BSOD = Blue Screen of Death
BSS = Block Started by Symbol
BT = BitTorrent
BT = Bluetooth
BW = Bandwidth
Bit = Binary Digit
B2B = Business to Business
B2B = Back-to-Back
B2C = Business to Consumer

IT abbreviation list - C

This expanded list of IT abbreviations emphasizes programming tools, file systems, hardware interfaces, computational frameworks, networking concepts, security protocols, graphical technologies, offering a deeper understanding of foundational,   Calculator eg. (Retirement Calculator, Retirement Age Calculator, Mortgage Calculator, Saving Calculator, Loan Calculator, Auto Loan Calculator) and advanced IT domains.

CC = C Compiler
CD = Compact Disc
CM = Configuration Management
CM = Content Management
CS = Cable Select
CS = Computer Science
CP/M = Control Program/Monitor
CF = Compact Flash
CG = Computer Graphics
CGA = Color Graphics Array
CES = Consumer Electronics Show
CFD = Computational Fluid Dynamics
CGI = Common Gateway Interface
CGI = Computer-Generated Imagery
CGT = Computational Graph Theory
CPRI = Common Public Radio Interface
CPU = Central Processing Unit
CRAN = Comprehensive R Archive Network
CRC = Cyclic Redundancy Check
CRLF = Carriage Return Line Feeds
CRS = Computer Reservations System
CRT = Cathode Ray Tube
CTAN = Comprehensive TeX Archive Network
CTI = Computer Telephony Integration
CTL = Computational Tree Logic
CTSS = Compatible Time-Sharing System
CUA = Common User Access
CVS = Concurrent Versioning System
CSE = Computer Science and Engineering
CSI = Common System Interface
CSP = Communicating Sequential Processes
CSS = Cascading Style Sheets
CSS = Content-Scrambling System
CSS = Closed Source Software
CSS = Cross-Site Scripting
CIFS = Common Internet Filesystem
CIM = Common Information Model
CIM = Computationally Independent Model
CLI = Command Line Interface
CLR = Common Language Runtime
CAI = Computer-Aided Instruction
CDE = Common Desktop Environment
CAT = Computer-Aided Translation
CAQ = Computer-Aided Quality Assurance
CDMA = Code Division Multiple Access
CDN = Content Delivery Network
CDP = Continuous Data Protection
CD-R = CD-Recordable
CD-ROM = CD Read-Only Memory
CD-RW = CD-Rewritable
CAD = Computer-Aided Design
CAE = Computer-Aided Engineering
CAID = Computer-Aided Industrial Design
Calc = Calculator
CAM = Computer-Aided Manufacturing

CAPTCHA = Completely Automated Public Turing Test to tell Computers and Humans Apart
CASE = Computer-Aided Software Engineering
CDSA = Common Data Security Architecture
CERT = Computer Emergency Response Team
CHAP = Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol
CHS = Cylinder-Head-Sector
CIDR = Classless Inter-Domain Routing
CISC = Complex Instruction Set Computer
CMMI = Capability Maturity Model Integration
CMOS = Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor
CMS = Content Management System
CNC = Computer Numerical Control
CNR = Communications and Networking Riser
COBOL = Common Business-Oriented Language
COM = Component Object Model
CPA = Cell Processor Architecture
CPAN = Comprehensive Perl Archive Network


IT abbreviation list - D

This updated compilation extends IT abbreviations to encompass database technologies, cryptographic models, networking protocols, graphical standards, access controls, and advanced computational frameworks, offering a robust foundation for exploring modern IT systems and methodologies.

DAC = Digital-To-Analog Converter

DAC = Discretionary Access Control
DAG = Directed Acyclic Graph
DAL = Database Abstraction Layer
DAO = Data Access Objects
DAP = Directory Access Protocol
DARPA = Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
DAT = Digital Audio Tape
DB = Database
DBA = Database Administrator
DBCS = Double Byte Character Set
DBMS = Database Management System
DCC = Direct Client-to-Client
DCCP = Datagram Congestion Control Protocol
DCCA = Debian Common Core Alliance
DCL = Data Control Language
DCMI = Dublin Core Metadata Initiative
DCOM = Distributed Component Object Model
DDoS = Distributed Denial of Service
DD = Double Density
DDE = Dynamic Data Exchange
DDL = Data Definition Language
DFA = Deterministic Finite Automaton
DFD = Data Flow Diagram
DFS = Depth-First Search
DFS = Distributed File System
DGD = Dworkin's Game Driver
DHP = Deferred Procedure Call
DPI = Deep Packet Inspection
DPI = Dots Per Inch
DSL = Digital Subscriber Line
DSL = Domain-Specific Language
DPMI = DOS Protected Mode Interface
DPMS = Display Power Management Signaling
DTE = Data Terminal Equipment
DTP = Desktop Publishing
DTR = Data Terminal Ready
DVM = Digital Video Recorder
DVD = Digital Video Disc/ Digital Versatile Disc
DVD-R = DVD-Recordable
DVD-ROM = DVD-Read Only Memory
DVD-RW = DVD-Rewritable
DVI = Digital Visual Interface
DMA = Direct Memory Access
DMCA = Digital Millennium Copyright Act
DMI = Direct Media Interface
DML = Data Manipulation Language
DND = Drag-and-Drop
DNS = Domain Name System
DOCSIS = Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification
DOM = Document Object Model
DoS = Denial of Service
DOS = Disk Operating System
DRAM = Dynamic Random Access Memory
DR-DOS = Digital Research - Disk Operating System
DRI = Direct Rendering Infrastructure
DRM = Digital Rights Management
DRM = Direct Rendering Manager
DSDL = Document Schema Definition Languages
DSDM = Dynamic Systems Development Method
DSLAM = Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer
DSN = Database Source Name
DSN = Data Set Name
DSP = Digital Signal Processor


IT abbreviation list - E

This updated compilation highlights IT abbreviations across diverse areas such as data exchange, memory technologies, operating systems, cryptography, enterprise solutions, programming standards, and graphical systems, providing a rich resource for understanding digital and computing advancements.

EDA = Electronic Design Automation

EDI = Electronic Data Interchange
EDO = Extended Data Out
ELF = Extremely Low Frequency
ELF = Executable and Linkable Format
ELM = Electronic Mail
EOF = End of File
EOL = End of Life
EOL = End of Line
ERD = Entity-Relationship Diagram
ERM = Entity-Relationship Model
ERP = Enterprise Resource Planning
ESB = Enterprise Service Bus
ESD = Electrostatic Discharge
ETL = Extract, Transform, Load
ESR = Eric Steven Raymond
EUC = Extended Unix Code
EOM = End Of Message
EAI = Enterprise Application Integration
EAP = Extensible Authentication Protocol
EBCDIC = Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
EBML = Extensible Binary Meta Language
ECC = Elliptic Curve Cryptography
ECMA = European Computer Manufacturers Association
ECN = Explicit Congestion Notification
ECOS = Embedded Configurable Operating System
ECRS = Expense and Cost Recovery System
EDSAC = Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator
EDVAC = Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer
EEPROM = Electronically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
EFF = Electronic Frontier Foundation
EFI = Extensible Firmware Interface
EFM = Eight-to-Fourteen Modulation
EGA = Enhanced Graphics Array
EGP = Exterior Gateway Protocol
eID = Electronic ID Card
EIDE = Enhanced IDE
EIGRP = Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol
EISA = Extended Industry Standard Architecture
EMACS = Editor MACroS
EMS = Expanded Memory Specification
ENIAC = Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer
EPIC = Explicitly Parallel Instruction Computing
EPROM = Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
ESCON = Enterprise Systems Connection
EULA = End User License Agreement
EWMH = Extended Window Manager Hints
EXT = EXTended File System

IT abbreviation list - F

This updated compilation encompasses IT abbreviations focusing on file systems, data storage, hardware components, programming frameworks, error correction, networking standards, and open-source technologies, delivering insights into essential computing concepts and infrastructures.

FAP = FORTRAN Assembly Program

FAQ = Frequently Asked Questions
FC-AL = Fibre Channel Arbitrated Loop
FCB = File Control Block
FCS = Frame Check Sequence
FDC = Floppy Disk Controller
FDS = Fedora Directory Server
FDD = Floppy Disk Drive
FBDIMM = Fully Buffered Dual Inline Memory Module
FEC = Forward Error Correction
FEMB = Front-End Motherboard
FET = Field Effect Transistor
FFS = Fast File System
FHS = Filesystem Hierarchy Standard
FICON = FIber CONnectivity
FIFO = First In First Out
FIPS = Federal Information Processing Standards
FLOPS = Floating-Point Operations Per Second
FLAC = Free Lossless Audio Codec
FLOSS = Free/Libre/Open Source Software
FL = Function Level
FP = Function Programming
FPGA = Field Programmable Gate Array
FQDN = Fully Qualified Domain Name
FUD = Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt
FWS = Folding White Space
FXP = File eXchange Protocol
FTP = File Transfer Protocol
FTTP = Fiber To The Premises
FS = File System
FSB = Front Side Bus
FSF = Free Software Foundation
FSM = Finite State Machine
FSCK = File System Check


IT abbreviation list - G

This updated compilation expands IT abbreviations to include graphics systems, programming frameworks, storage technologies, security protocols, cloud services, modeling tools, and user interfaces, offering a detailed view of modern computing and digital infrastructure.

GB = Gigabyte

Gb = Gigabit
GDI = Graphics Device Interface
GIF = Graphics Interchange Format
GIGO = Garbage In, Garbage Out
G11N = Globalization
GIMP = GNU Image Manipulation Program
GIS = Geographic Information System
GML = Geography Markup Language
GNOME = GNU Network Object Model Environment
GNU = GNU's Not Unix
GOMS = Goals, Operators, Methods, and Selection rules
GPFS = General Parallel File System
GPG = GNU Privacy Guard
GPGPU = General-Purpose Computing on Graphics Processing Units
GPIB = General-Purpose Instrumentation Bus
GPT = GUID Partition Table
GPU = Graphics Processing Unit
GRUB = Grand Unified Boot-Loader
GPL = General Public License
GPL = General-Purpose Language
GPRS = General Packet Radio Service
GSM = Global System for Mobile Communications
GUI = Graphical User Interface
GUID = Globally Unique Identifier
GWT = Google Web Toolkit
GCR = Group Code Recording
GCJ = GNU Compiler for Java
GA = General Availability

GAC = Global Assembly Cache
GAD = Group Aware Distribution
GAL = Generic Array Logic
GAMS = General Algebraic Modeling System
GATE = General Architecture for Text Engineering
GBA = Game Boy Advance
GBR = General Binding Resolution
GBIC = Gigabit Interface Converter
GCD = Greatest Common Divisor
GCE = Google Compute Engine
GCI = Google Code-in
GCS = Google Cloud Storage
GDB = GNU Debugger
GDI+ = Graphics Device Interface Plus
GDL = Geometric Description Language
GDSL = Generic Distributed Software Library
GF = Galerkin's Finite Element
GFS = Google File System
GFW = Great Firewall
GGA = Global Grid Architecture
GPGPU = General-Purpose Graphics Processing Unit
GRA = Graphics Rendering Algorithm
GRASP = Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure
GROMACS = Groningen Machine for Chemical Simulations
GSS-API = Generic Security Services Application Program Interface
GST = GStreamer
GT = Graphics Technology
GTIN = Global Trade Item Number
GUI = Graphical User Interface
GUP = General User Processing
GUS = Global Unix Solutions
GA = General Availability

GAC = Global Assembly Cache
GAD = Group Aware Distribution
GAL = Generic Array Logic
GAMS = General Algebraic Modeling System
GATE = General Architecture for Text Engineering
GBA = Game Boy Advance
GBR = General Binding Resolution
GBIC = Gigabit Interface Converter
GCD = Greatest Common Divisor
GCE = Google Compute Engine
GCI = Google Code-in
GCS = Google Cloud Storage
GDB = GNU Debugger
GDI+ = Graphics Device Interface Plus
GDL = Geometric Description Language
GDSL = Generic Distributed Software Library
GF = Galerkin's Finite Element
GFS = Google File System
GFW = Great Firewall
GGA = Global Grid Architecture
GPGPU = General-Purpose Graphics Processing Unit
GRA = Graphics Rendering Algorithm
GRASP = Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure
GROMACS = Groningen Machine for Chemical Simulations
GSS-API = Generic Security Services Application Program Interface
GST = GStreamer
GT = Graphics Technology
GTIN = Global Trade Item Number
GUI = Graphical User Interface
GUP = General User Processing
GUS = Global Unix Solutions

IT abbreviation list - H

This comprehensive list of IT abbreviations covers a wide range of topics, including hardware interfaces, file systems, multimedia standards, computing architectures, network protocols, and memory management, offering a deeper insight into modern technology concepts.

HAL = Hardware Abstraction Layer

HBA = Host Bus Adapter
HCI = Human Computer Interaction
HD DVD = High Definition DVD
HDL = Hardware Description Language
HDMI = High-Definition Multimedia Interface
HFS = Hierarchical File System
HFS+ = Hierarchical File System Plus
HHD = Hybrid Hard Drive
HID = Human Interface Device
HMA = High Memory Area
HPC = High-Performance Computing
HPFS = High Performance File System
HP = Hewlett-Packard
HT = Hyper Threading
HTC = High-Throughput Computing
HTML = Hypertext Markup Language
HTTP = Hypertext Transfer Protocol
HTTPd = Hypertext Transport Protocol Daemon
HTM = Hierarchical Temporal Memory
HTX = HyperTransport eXpansion
HVD = Holographic Versatile Disc
HF = High Frequency
Hz = Hertz
HSM = Hierarchical Storage Management
HA = High Availability

HADOOP = High-Availability Distributed Object-Oriented Platform
HART = Highway Addressable Remote Transducer
HAVi = Home Audio Video Interoperability
HBAO = Horizon-Based Ambient Occlusion
HDFS = Hadoop Distributed File System
HGST = Hitachi Global Storage Technologies
HIS = High-Impact System
HIPAA = Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
HMAC = Hash-Based Message Authentication Code
HMI = Human-Machine Interface
HOC = Higher-Order Component
HP-UX = Hewlett-Packard Unix
HRR = High Refresh Rate
HSRP = Hot Standby Router Protocol
HVAC = Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning
HW = Hardware
HWE = Hardware Enablement

IT Abbreviation list - I

This list now spans protocols, organizations, and hardware/software-related terms. Let me know if you'd like to enrich this further!

I/O = Input/Output

IBM = International Business Machines
iBCS = Intel Binary Compatibility Standard
IC = Integrated Circuit
ICANN = Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
ICE = In-Circuit Emulator
ICE = Intrusion Countermeasure Electronics
ICMP = Internet Control Message Protocol
ICP = Internet Cache Protocol
ICT = Information and Communication Technology
IDE = Integrated Development Environment
IDE = Integrated Drive Electronics
IDF = Intermediate Distribution Frame
IDL = Interface Definition Language
IDS = Intrusion Detection System
IEC = International Electrotechnical Commission
IEEE = Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IE = Internet Explorer
IETF = Internet Engineering Task Force
IGMP = Internet Group Management Protocol
IGRP = Interior Gateway Routing Protocol
IHV = Independent Hardware Vendor
IIOP = Internet Inter-Orb Protocol
IIS = Internet Information Services
IL = Intermediate Language
IME = Input Method Editor
IMAP = Internet Message Access Protocol
IM = Instant Messaging
INFOSEC = Information Systems Security
IPL = Initial Program Load
IPO = Inter Procedural Optimization
IPP = Internet Printing Protocol
IPS = In-Plane Switching
IPS = Instructions Per Second
IPS = Intrusion Prevention System
IPsec = Internet Protocol Security
IP = Intellectual Property
IP = Internet Protocol
IPTV = Internet Protocol Television
IPX = Internetwork Packet Exchange
IR = Intermediate Representation
IrDA = Infrared Data Association
IRI = Internationalized Resource Identifier
IRP = I/O Request Packet
IRC = Internet Relay Chat
IRQ = Interrupt Request
ISC = Internet Storm Center
iSCSI = Internet Small Computer System Interface
ISAM = Indexed Sequential Access Method
ISDN = Integrated Services Digital Network
ISPF = Interactive System Productivity Facility
ISR = Interrupt Service Routine
ISV = Independent Software Vendor
IS = Information Systems
ISP = Internet Service Provider
IT = Information Technology
ITIL = Information Technology Infrastructure Library
ITL = Interval Temporal Logic
ITU = International Telecommunication Union
IVRS = Interactive Voice Response System

IT abbreviation list - J

This updated compilation integrates more IT abbreviations, emphasizing storage systems, network protocols, programming tools, architectures, IT domains, from Java tools and storage to assembly languages and data compression. 

JBOD = Just a Bunch Of Disks

JDK = Java Development Kit
JIT = Just-In-Time
JPEG = Joint Photographic Experts Group
JRE = Java Runtime Environment
JSON = JavaScript Object Notation
JSP = JavaServer Pages
KDE = K Desktop Environment
KVM = Kernel-based Virtual Machine
L2TP = Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol
LAN = Local Area Network
LDAP = Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
LIFO = Last In, First Out
LISP = List Processing
LLC = Logical Link Control
LLMNR = Link-Local Multicast Name Resolution
LPI = Linux Professional Institute
LSB = Least Significant Bit
LUN = Logical Unit Number
LZW = Lempel-Ziv-Welch
MAC = Media Access Control
MAN = Metropolitan Area Network
MAPI = Messaging Application Programming Interface
MASM = Microsoft Macro Assembler
MBR = Master Boot Record
MCA = Micro Channel Architecture
MCD = Multi-Channel Drums
MIDI = Musical Instrument Digital Interface
MIPS = Millions of Instructions Per Second
MPLS = Multiprotocol Label Switching
MQTT = Message Queuing Telemetry Transport
MS-DOS = Microsoft Disk Operating System
MTBF = Mean Time Between Failures
MTU = Maximum Transmission Unit
NAT = Network Address Translation
NCQ = Native Command Queuing
NFS = Network File System
NIC = Network Interface Card
NNTP = Network News Transfer Protocol
NOC = Network Operations Center
NOS = Network Operating System
NRZ = Non-Return-to-Zero
NTFS = New Technology File System
NTP = Network Time Protocol
NUMA = Non-Uniform Memory Access

IT Abbreviation list - J

This expanded list incorporates abbreviations centered on Java technologies, file formats, and scripting languages, offering a comprehensive look into Java-related terms and their usage in programming, connectivity, and web development. Let me know if you'd like to see even more additions!

J2EE = Java 2 Enterprise Edition
J2ME = Java 2 Micro Edition
J2SE = Java 2 Standard Edition
JAXB = Java Architecture for XML Binding
JBOD = Just a Bunch of Disks
JCE = Java Cryptography Extension
JCL = Job Control Language
JCP = Java Community Process
JDBC = Java Database Connectivity
JDK = Java Development Kit
JDS = Java Desktop System
JFC = Java Foundation Classes
JMX = Java Management Extensions
JMS = Java Message Service
JNI = Java Native Interface
JNDI = Java Naming and Directory Interface
JNZ = Jump Non-Zero
JPEG = Joint Photographic Experts Group
JRE = Java Runtime Environment
JSON = JavaScript Object Notation
JSP = Jackson Structured Programming
JSP = JavaServer Pages
JUG = Java Users Group
JVM = Java Virtual Machine
JAX-RPC = Java XML for Remote Procedure Calls
JAXP = Java API for XML Processing
JS = JavaScript
JBPM = Java Business Process Model

JAR = Java ARchive
JIT = Just-In-Time (compiler)
JSF = JavaServer Faces
JTA = Java Transaction API
JTL = Java Testing Library
JWT = JSON Web Token
JWS = Java Web Start

IT Abbreviation list - K

This concise addition introduces more abbreviations related to data measurement, performance indicators, and computing environments. Let me know if you'd like me to keep expanding or refine the list further!

Kb = Kilobit
KB = Kilobyte
kHz = Kilohertz
Kbps = Kilobits Per Second

KiB = Kibibyte
KVM = Keyboard, Video, Mouse / Kernel-Based Virtual Machine
KPI = Key Performance Indicator
KDC = Key Distribution Center
KDE = K Desktop Environment
KDD = Knowledge Discovery in Databases

IT Abbreviation list - L

This updated list includes abbreviations related to networking, Linux systems, display technologies, and software development. Let me know if you’d like to continue expanding this list further!

L2TP = Layer Two Tunneling Protocol
LAN = Local Area Network
LAMP = Linux Apache MySQL Perl / Linux Apache MySQL PHP / Linux Apache MySQL Python
LBA = Logical Block Addressing
LCOS = Liquid Crystal On Silicon
LCD = Liquid Crystal Display
LDAP = Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
LCR = Least Cost Routing
LED = Light-Emitting Diode
LE = Logical Extents
LF = Low Frequency
LFS = Linux From Scratch
LIFO = Last In First Out
LILO = Linux Loader
LISP = LISt Processing
LKML = Linux Kernel Mailing List
LOC = Lines of Code
LUN = Logical Unit Number
LV = Logical Volume
LVD = Low Voltage Differential
LVM = Logical Volume Management
LGPL = Lesser General Public License
LIF = Low Insertion Force
LACP = Link Aggregation Control Protocol

LBAAS = Load Balancer as a Service
LC = Line Coding
LCP = Link Control Protocol
LMS = Learning Management System
LNP = Local Number Portability
LOM = Lights-Out Management
LOS = Loss of Signal
LPI = Lines Per Inch
LSB = Least Significant Bit
LTS = Long-Term Support
LTE = Long-Term Evolution
LUN = Logical Unit Number
LXC = Linux Containers

IT Abbreviation list - M

This updated list now includes abbreviations relevant to networking, Microsoft certifications, software development, and data management. Let me know if you'd like to expand it further!

MAC = Media Access Control
MAC = Mandatory Access Control
MCM = Microsoft Certified Master
MCP = Microsoft Certified Professional
MCT = Microsoft Certified Trainer
MCS = Microsoft Certified Specialist
MCT = Microsoft Certified Trainer
MDA = Mail Delivery Agent
MDA = Model-Driven Architecture
MDA = Monochrome Display Adapter
MDD/MDSD = Model-Driven (Software) Development
MDI = Multiple Document Interface
MDF = Main Distribution Frame
MDA = Monochrome Display Adapter
MICR = Magnetic Ink Character Recognition
MIDI = Musical Instrument Digital Interface
MIMO = Multiple-Input Multiple-Output
MIS = Management Information Systems
MISD = Multiple Instruction, Single Data
MIPS = Million Instructions Per Second
MIPS = Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipeline Stages
MPLS = Multiprotocol Label Switching
MTU = Maximum Transmission Unit
MTA = Mail Transfer Agent
MTA = Microsoft Technology Associate
MS-DOS = Microsoft DOS
MSA = Mail Submission Agent
MSB = Most Significant Bit
MSDN = Microsoft Developer Network
MSI = Microsoft Installer
MSI = Message Signaled Interrupt
MS = Microsoft
MSE = Microsoft
MCM = Media Code Management
MMU = Memory Management Unit
MIPS = Multinational Pathologies
MAC = Media Access Control

MAC = Mandatory Access Control
MCM = Microsoft Certified Master
MCP = Microsoft Certified Professional
MCT = Microsoft Certified Trainer
MDA = Mail Delivery Agent
MDA = Model-Driven Architecture
MDA = Monochrome Display Adapter
MDD/MDSD = Model-Driven (Software) Development
MDF = Main Distribution Frame
MDI = Multiple Document Interface
MDA = Monochrome Display Adapter
MICR = Magnetic Ink Character Recognition
MIDI = Musical Instrument Digital Interface
MIMO = Multiple-Input Multiple-Output
MIS = Management Information Systems
MISD = Multiple Instruction, Single Data
MIPS = Million Instructions Per Second
MIPS = Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipeline Stages
MPLS = Multiprotocol Label Switching
MTU = Maximum Transmission Unit
MTA = Mail Transfer Agent
MTA = Microsoft Technology Associate
MS-DOS = Microsoft DOS
MSA = Mail Submission Agent
MSB = Most Significant Bit
MSDN = Microsoft Developer Network
MSI = Microsoft Installer
MSI = Message Signaled Interrupt
MS = Microsoft
MS = Memory Stick
MSE = Microsoft
MOS = Metal Oxide Software

MOS = Microsoft Office Specialist
MOSFET = Metal-Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor
MOUS = Microsoft Office User Specialist
MPLS = Multiprotocol Label Switching
MPU = Microprocessor Unit
MVC = Model-View-Controller
MVP = Most Valuable Professional
MVS = Multiple Virtual Storage
M2M = Machine-to-Machine

MAC = Mandatory Access Control
MAC = Media Access Control
MAPI = Messaging Application Programming Interface
MARP = Multicast Address Resolution Protocol
MCSA = Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator
MCSE = Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer
MCSA = Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator
MFA = Multi-Factor Authentication
MFD = Multi-Function Device
MFD = Medium Frequency Device
MFP = Multi-Function Printer
MIME = Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
MIMO = Multiple-Input, Multiple-Output
MIPS = Million Instructions Per Second
MIPS = Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipeline Stages
MIS = Management Information Systems
MISD = Multiple Instruction, Single Data
ML = Machine Learning
MLD = Multicast Listener Discovery
MLPS = Multiprotocol Label Switching
MLD = Multicast Listener Discovery
MFD = Multifunctional Display
MOP = Method of Procedure
MPEG = Moving Picture Experts Group
MPLS = Multi-Protocol Label Switching
MPT = Multi-Path Transport
MPTT = Message Passing Technology for Transactions

IT Abbreviation list - N

This list now includes more abbreviations related to networking, storage systems, and security services. Let me know if you'd like to add more!

NAS = Network-Attached Storage
NAT = Network Address Translation
NCC = Network Control Center
NCP = NetWare Core Protocol
NCQ = Native Command Queuing
NCSA = National Center for Supercomputing Applications
NDS = Novell Directory Services
NFS = Network File System
NFC = Near Field Communication
NFP = Network Flow Processor
NFS = Network File System
NGSCB = Next-Generation Secure Computing Base
NIM = No Internal Message
NIST = National Institute of Standards and Technology
NLP = Natural Language Processing
NLS = Native Language Support
NPL = Netscape Public License
NPU = Network Processing Unit
NSA = National Security Agency
NTP = Network Time Protocol
NTFS = NT Filesystem
NT = New Technology
NVR = Network Video Recorder
NVRAM = Non-Volatile Random Access Memory
NOC = Network Operations Center
NOS = Network Operating System
NSS = Novell Storage Service
NSS = Network Security Services
NSS = Name Service Switch
NetBIOS = Network Basic Input/Output System
NEP = Network Equipment Provider

NAC = Network Access Control
NACHA = National Automated Clearing House Association
NAP = Network Access Point
NASL = Network Application Support Layer
NAT = Network Address Translation
NCM = Network Configuration Management
NFSv4 = Network File System version 4
NGRS = Networked Gaming Reference System
NIS = Network Information Service
NIST = National Institute of Standards and Technology
NIT = Network Interface Table
NMI = Non-Maskable Interrupt
NOC = Network Operations Center
NOD = Network On-Demand
NOMAD = Network Of Mobile And Dynamic nodes
NOP = No Operation
NOSQL = Not Only SQL (database)
NP = Network Protocol
NPM = Node Package Manager
NPS = Network Policy Server
NPT = Network Performance Testing
NRZ = Non-Return-to-Zero (data encoding)
NTP = Network Time Protocol
NVR = Network Video Recorder

IT Abbreviation list - O

This list now includes more abbreviations related to open-source, networking, and data management.

OAM = Operations, Administration, and Maintenance

OAI = Open Archives Initiative
OASIS = Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards
OBEX = Object Exchange Protocol
OEM = Original Equipment Manufacturer
OFDM = Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing
OFTC = Open and Free Technology Community
OGC = Open Geospatial Consortium
OGNL = Object-Graph Navigation Language
OCR = Optical Character Recognition
OCS = Open Computing Systems
OCSP = Online Certificate Status Protocol
ODBC = Open DataBase Connectivity
ODM = Object Data Management
ODS = Operational Data Store
ODX = Operational Data Exchange
OLAP = Online Analytical Processing
OLTP = Online Transaction Processing
OMF = Object Module Format
OMG = Object Management Group
OMR = Optical Mark Recognition
OMS = Order Management System
OPA = Oracle Policy Automation
OPC = OLE for Process Control
OPML = Outline Processor Markup Language
OPO = Other People's Opinion
ORB = Object Request Broker
ORM = Object-Relational Mapping
OSI = Open Source Initiative
OSI = Open Systems Interconnection
OSB = Open Service Bus
OSD = On-Screen Display
OSF = Open Software Foundation
OSM = OpenStreetMap
OSCON = O'Reilly Open Source CONvention
OSDN = Open Source Developer Network
OSPF = Open Shortest Path First
OSTG = Open Source Technology Group
OSS = Open Sound System
OSS = Open-Source Software
OSS = Operations Support System
OUI = Organizationally Unique Identifier

IT abbreviation list - P

This list now includes more abbreviations related to personal computing, data management, and networking protocols. The updated list features terms like PaaS (Platform as a Service), PCB (Printed Circuit Board), PNG (Portable Network Graphics), and POSIX (Portable Operating System Interface), among others. These additions cover a variety of fields, including software, hardware, and network communication.

PaaS = Platform as a Service

PC = Personal Computer
PC DOS = Personal Computer Disk Operating System
PCB = Printed Circuit Board
PCB = Process Control Block
PCL = Printer Command Language
PCMCIA = Personal Computer Memory Card International Association
PE = Physical Extents
PERL = Practical Extraction and Reporting Language
PGA = Pin Grid Array
PGA = Programmable Gate Array
PGO = Profile-Guided Optimization
PGP = Pretty Good Privacy
PIC = Peripheral Interface Controller
PIC = Programmable Interrupt Controller
PIM = Personal Information Manager
PIM = Platform Independent Model
PIN = Program for Internet News and Email
PIO = Programmed Input/Output
PL/I = Programming Language One
PL/M = Programming Language for Microcomputers
PL/P = Programming Language for Prime
PLD = Programmable Logic Device
PLC = Power Line Communication
PLC = Programmable Logic Controller
PMM = POST Memory Manager
PNG = Portable Network Graphics
POSIX = Portable Operating System Interface, formerly IEEE-IX
PPP = Point-to-Point Protocol
PPTP = Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol
PSA = Professional Services Automation
PSM = Platform Specific Model
PSU = Power Supply Unit
PSVI = Post-Schema-Validation Infoset
PV = Physical Volume
PVR = Personal Video Recorder
PXE = Preboot Execution Environment
PaaS = Platform as a Service
PAP = Password Authentication Protocol
PARC = Palo Alto Research Center
PBS = Portable Batch System
PDM = Physical Design Methodology
PDP = Programmed Data Processor
PaaS = Platform as a Service

PC = Personal Computer
PC DOS = Personal Computer Disk Operating System
PCB = Printed Circuit Board
PCB = Process Control Block
PCL = Printer Command Language
PCMCIA = Personal Computer Memory Card International Association
PE = Physical Extents
PERL = Practical Extraction and Reporting Language
PGA = Pin Grid Array
PGA = Programmable Gate Array
PGO = Profile-Guided Optimization
PGP = Pretty Good Privacy
PIC = Peripheral Interface Controller
PIC = Programmable Interrupt Controller
PIM = Personal Information Manager
PIM = Platform Independent Model
PIN = Program for Internet News and Email
PIO = Programmed Input/Output
PL/I = Programming Language One
PL/M = Programming Language for Microcomputers
PL/P = Programming Language for Prime
PLD = Programmable Logic Device
PLC = Power Line Communication
PLC = Programmable Logic Controller
PMM = POST Memory Manager
PNG = Portable Network Graphics
POSIX = Portable Operating System Interface, formerly IEEE-IX
PPP = Point-to-Point Protocol
PPTP = Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol
PSA = Professional Services Automation
PSM = Platform Specific Model
PSU = Power Supply Unit
PSVI = Post-Schema-Validation Infoset
PV = Physical Volume
PVR = Personal Video Recorder
PXE = Preboot Execution Environment
PaaS = Platform as a Service
PAP = Password Authentication Protocol
PARC = Palo Alto Research Center
PBS = Portable Batch System
PDM = Physical Design Methodology
PDP = Programmed Data Processor
PIP = Python Install Package
PLR = Public License Release
PDU = Protocol Data Unit
PDF = Portable Document Format
PST = Personal Storage Table
PPT = PowerPoint Presentation
PDU = Protocol Data Unit
P2P = Peer-to-Peer

IT abbreviation list - Q

This list now includes IT abbreviations related to quality assurance, networking, storage technologies, and communication protocols. 

QA = Quality Assurance

QAM = Quadrature Amplitude Modulation
QAPI = Quality Assurance and Process Improvement
QAR = Quality Assurance Report
QOS = Quality of Service
QR = Quick Response
QRC = Quick Reference Code
QFD = Quality Function Deployment
QIC = Quality Interface Control
QL = Quick Launch
QLC = Quad-Level Cell (in NAND flash storage)
QMS = Quality Management System
QoE = Quality of Experience
QoS = Quality of Service
QR Code = Quick Response Code
QEMU = Quick Emulator
QPSK = Quadrature Phase Shift Keying
QRS = Quality Resource Solutions
QSL = Quality Service Level
QTI = Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
QDB = Queue Database
QML = Quantum Markup Language

IT abbreviation list - R

Dear Readers, This list now includes more abbreviations related to remote procedures, memory management, networking, storage, real-time systems and operating systems. Let me know if you'd like to add more!

RACF = Resource Access Control Facility
RAD = Rapid Application Development
RADSL = Rate Adaptive Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
RAID = Redundant Array of Independent Disks
RAID = Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks
RAM = Random Access Memory
RARP = Reverse Address Resolution Protocol
RAS = Reliability, Availability and Serviceability
RAS = Remote Access Service
RDBMS = Relational Database Management System
RDC = Remote Desktop Connection
RDF = Resource Description Framework
RDM = Relational Data Model
RDOS = Real-time Disk Operating System
RDS = Remote Data Services
REFAL = Recursive Functions Algorithmic Language
REST = Representational State Transfer
RFID = Radio Frequency Identification
RFI = Radio Frequency Interference
RFC = Request For Comments
RGB = Red, Green, Blue
RGBA = Red, Green, Blue, Alpha
RHEL = Red Hat Enterprise Linux
RHL = Red Hat Linux
RIP = Routing Information Protocol
RIR = Regional Internet Registry
RCS = Revision Control System
RDP = Remote Display Protocol
RPC = Remote Procedure Call
ROM = Read Only Memory
ROMB = Read-Out Motherboard
ROM-DOS = Read Only Memory - Disk Operating System
RTEMS = Real-Time Executive for Multiprocessor Systems
RTOS = Real-Time Operating System
RTTI = Run-time Type Information
RSS = Radio Service Software
RSS = Rich Site Summary, RDF Site Summary, or Really Simple Syndication
RISC = Reduced Instruction Set Computer
RISC OS = Reduced Instruction Set Computer Operating System
RA = Redundant Array
RAC = Redundant Array of Computers
RACK = Random Access Computer Kit
RAMDISK = Random Access Memory Disk
RASD = Reliability, Availability, Serviceability, and Diagnostics
RE = Regular Expression
REAL = Real-Time Application Environment Architecture Language
REIS = Real-time Ethernet Industrial Systems
REM = Read-Only Memory Expansion Module
REP = Representational
REQ = Request
RESTful = Representational State Transfer (REST-based)
RFQ = Request For Quotation
RHEL7 = Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7
RIF = Request for Information
RPI = Raspberry Pi Interface
RSD = Reference Standard Document
RSSI = Received Signal Strength Indicator
RT = Real-Time
RTC = Real-Time Clock
RTF = Rich Text Format
RTO = Recovery Time Objective
RTOS = Real-Time Operating System
RUD = Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly
RUDP = Reliable User Datagram Protocol

IT abbreviation list - S

This list now includes more abbreviations related to remote procedures, memory management, storage, network protocols, software management and operating systems. Let me know by commenting below if you'd like to add more!

SAP = Service Advertising Protocol

SATA = Serial Advanced Technology Attachment
SBP-2 = Serial Bus Protocol 2
SCSI = Small Computer System Interface
SDK = Software Development Kit
SDL = Simple DirectMedia Layer
SDIO = Secure Digital Input Output
SDN = Service Delivery Network
SDRAM = Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory
SDH = Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
SEI = Software Engineering Institute
SEO = Search Engine Optimization
SFTP = Secure FTP
SFTP = SSH File Transfer Protocol
SFTP = Simple File Transfer Protocol
SIP = Session Initiation Protocol
SISD = Single Instruction, Single Data
SISO = Single-Input and Single-Output
SLI = Scalable Link Interface
SLM = Service Level Management
SLIP = Serial Line Internet Protocol
SMB = Server Message Block
SMTP = Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
SMP = Symmetric Multi-Processing
SNMP = Simple Network Management Protocol
SNTF = Simple Network Time Protocol
SOA = Service-Oriented Architecture
SOAP = Simple Object Access Protocol
SOAP = Symbolic Optimal Assembly Program
SO-DIMM = Small Outline DIMM
SPARC = Scalable Processor Architecture
SPF = Sender Policy Framework
SVC = Scalable Video Coding
SVM = Support Vector Machine
SVGA = Super Video Graphics Array
SUSE = Software and System-Entwicklung
SSL = Secure Socket Layer
SVM = Support Vector Machine
SYST = System
SaaS = Software as a Service
SAS = Serial Attached SCSI
SATA = Serial Advanced Technology Attachment
SCCM = System Center Configuration Manager
SDN = Software Defined Network
SQL = Structured Query Language
SLA = Service Level Agreement
SLS = Software Lifecycle Services
SNMP = Simple Network Management Protocol
SOP = Standard Operating Procedure
SPF = Sender Policy Framework
SUSE = Software and System-Entwicklung
SVGA = Super Video Graphics Array

IT abbreviation list - T

This list now includes more abbreviations related to protocols, storage, and communication systems. Let me know by commenting below if you'd like to add more!

TB = TeraByte

TACS = Total Access Communication System
TCL = Tool Command Language
TCP = Transmission Control Protocol
TCP/IP = Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
TLD = Top-Level Domain
TLS = Thread-Local Storage
TLS = Transport Layer Security
TLV = Type-length-value
TNC = Terminal Node Controller
TCU = Telecommunication Control Unit
TRON = The Real-time Operating system Nucleus
TRS-DOS = Tandy Radio Shack - Disk Operating System
TUCOWS = The Ultimate Collection of Winsock Software
TDMA = Time Division Multiple Access
TV = Television
TTL = Transistor-Transistor Logic
TTF = TrueType Font
T1 = Digital Signal 1
T2 = Digital Signal 2
T3 = Digital Signal 3
TACACS = Terminal Access Controller Access Control System
TAPI = Telephony Application Programming Interface
TAR = Tape Archive
TBA = To Be Announced
TBI = Terabit Interconnect
TCP = Transmission Control Protocol
TCP/IP = Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
TCO = Total Cost of Ownership
TDP = Thermal Design Power
TDR = Time Domain Reflectometer
TDT = Time-Dependent Traffic
TE = Terminal Equipment
TED = Technology, Entertainment, Design
TELNET = Telecommunications Network
TFS = Team Foundation Server
TGIF = Thank God It's Friday
THD = Total Harmonic Distortion
TIA = Telecommunications Industry Association
TIB = Technology Information Base
TIF = Tagged Image File
TIFF = Tagged Image File Format
TLA = Three-Letter Acronym
TLS = Transport Layer Security
TLP = Transactional Lethality Protocol
TNC = Terminal Node Controller
TSP = Telephony Service Provider
TRACERT = Trace Route
TSP = Time-Sensitive Protocol
TSS = Total Storage Solutions
TUG = Technical User Group
TVE = Television Everywhere
TX = Transmit

IT abbreviation list - U

This list now includes abbreviations related to user interfaces, data protocols, and hardware. Let me know if you'd like to add more help with something else

UAC = User Account Control

UART = Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter
UAT = User Acceptance Testing
UCS = Universal Character Set
UDDI = Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration
UDP = User Datagram Protocol
UHF = Ultra High Frequency
UMPC = Ultra-Mobile Personal Computer
UML = Unified Modeling Language
UMB = Upper Memory Block
UMA = Upper Memory Area
UPS = Uninterruptible Power Supply
URI = Uniform Resource Identifier
URL = Uniform Resource Locator
URN = Uniform Resource Name
USB = Universal Serial Bus
UTF = Unicode Transformation Format
UUID = Universally Unique Identifier
ULA = Uncommitted Logic Array
UUN = Universal User Name
UVC = Universal Virtual Computer
UCC = Unified Computing Controller
UCD = User-Centered Design
UCI = Unified Computing Infrastructure
UCN = User Control Number
UDF = Universal Disk Format
UDM = User-Defined Message
UDN = Universal Display Network
UEFI = Unified Extensible Firmware Interface
UGC = User Generated Content
UIA = User Interface Automation
UIC = Universal Integrated Circuit
UID = User Identifier
UIM = User Interface Management
UINS = User Information Service
UL = Underwriters Laboratories
UMI = Universal Memory Interface
UMP = Unified Memory Platform
UNC = Universal Naming Convention
UNI = User Network Interface
UNIX = Uniplexed Information and Computing System
UPS = Uninterrupted Power Supply
URT = Universal Real-Time

IT abbreviation list - V

This list now includes more abbreviations related to virtual technologies, networking, virtual environments, networking, data management and graphics.

VBS = Visual Basic Script

VDSL = Very High Bitrate Digital Subscriber Line
VESA = Video Electronics Standards Association
VFL = Very Low Frequency
VFS = Virtual File System
VGA = Video Graphics Adapter / Video Graphics Array
VNC = Virtual Network Computing
VoIP = Voice over Internet Protocol
VPN = Virtual Private Network
VPU = Visual Processing Unit
VTP = Virtual Terminal Protocol
VCPI = Virtual Control Program Interface
VRML = Virtual Reality Modeling Language
VLAN = Virtual Local Area Network
VLSI = Very-Large-Scale Integration
VSAM = Virtual Storage Access Method
VTAM = Virtual Telecommunications Access Method
VBA = Visual Basic for Applications
VBS = Visual Basic Script
VDSL = Very High Bitrate Digital Subscriber Line
VESA = Video Electronics Standards Association
VFL = Very Low Frequency
VFS = Virtual File System
VGA = Video Graphics Adapter / Video Graphics Array
VNC = Virtual Network Computing
VoIP = Voice over Internet Protocol
VPN = Virtual Private Network
VPU = Visual Processing Unit
VTP = Virtual Terminal Protocol
VCPI = Virtual Control Program Interface
VRML = Virtual Reality Modeling Language
VLAN = Virtual Local Area Network
VLSI = Very-Large-Scale Integration
VSAM = Virtual Storage Access Method
VTAM = Virtual Telecommunications Access Method
VPC = Virtual Private Cloud
VDC = Virtual Data Center
VDI = Virtual Desktop Infrastructure
VMS = Virtual Memory System
VTL = Virtual Tape Library

IT abbreviation list - W

This listof abbreviations related to networking, wireless technologies, web technologies, communication protocols, Microsoft technologies and web services. Let me know by comment below by if you'd like to add more!

WAI = Web Accessibility Initiative

WAIS = Wide Area Information Server
WAN = Wide Area Network
WAP = Wireless Access Point
WAP = Wireless Application Protocol
W3C = World Wide Web Consortium
WSP = Wireless Session Protocol
WTP = Wireless Transaction Protocol
WDP = Wireless Datagram Protocol
WML = Wireless Markup Language
WTA = Wireless Telephony Application
WAFS = Wide Area File Services
WBEM = Web-Based Enterprise Management
WiMAX = Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access
WINS = Windows Internet Name Service
WLAN = Wireless Local Area Network
WMA = Windows Media Audio
WMV = Windows Media Video
WPA = Wi-Fi Protected Access
WPAN = Wireless Personal Area Network
WSDL = Web Services Description Language
WSFL = Web Services Flow Language
WUSB = Wireless Universal Serial Bus
WWAN = Wireless Wide Area Network
WWID = World Wide Identifier
WWN = World Wide Name
WWW = World Wide Web
WZC = Wireless Zero Configuration
WLANs = Wireless LANs
WAI = Web Accessibility Initiative
WAK = Wake
WAL = Write-Ahead Logging
WAMP = Windows, Apache, MySQL, PHP
WAS = WebSphere Application Server
WBS = Work Breakdown Structure
WCCP = Web Cache Communication Protocol
WCAG = Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
WCDMA = Wideband Code Division Multiple Access
WCF = Windows Communication Foundation
WCG = Web Conferencing Gateway
WCI = Web Components Interface
WDDM = Windows Display Driver Model
WDF = Windows Driver Framework
WDE = Windows Device Encryption
WDM = Windows Driver Model
WDP = Wireless Datagram Protocol
WEKA = Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis
WEP = Wired Equivalent Privacy
WES = Windows Embedded Standard
WEP = Web Economic Policy
WIFI = Wireless Fidelity
WIM = Windows Imaging Format
WINS = Windows Internet Name Service
WMI = Windows Management Instrumentation
WMS = Web Map Service
WMV = Windows Media Video
WOB = Web Of Business
WPA = Wi-Fi Protected Access
WSDL = Web Services Description Language

IT abbreviation list - X

This list now includes abbreviations related to markup languages, protocols, web technologies, data interchange and system components. 

XP = Cross-Platform

XP = Extreme Programming
XPI = XPInstall
XSL = eXtensible Stylesheet Language
XUL = XML User Interface Language
XSS = Cross-Site Scripting
XMPP = eXtensible Messaging and Presence Protocol
XSLT = eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformations
XAML = eXtensible Application Markup Language
XHTML = eXtensible Hypertext Markup Language
XILP = X Interactive ListProc
XML = eXtensible Markup Language
XMMS = X Multimedia System
XMS = Extended Memory Specification
XNS = Xerox Network Systems
XVGA = Extended Video Graphics Adapter
XSL-FO = eXtensible Stylesheet Language Formatting Objects
XTF = eXtensible Tag Framework
XDM = X Window Display Manager
XDMCP = X Display Manager Control Protocol
XPCOM = Cross Platform Component Object Model
XAPI = Experience API
XACML = eXtensible Access Control Markup Language
XBRL = eXtensible Business Reporting Language
X11 = X Window System (Version 11)
XFS = X File System
XDR = External Data Representation
XFT = X FreeType
XHTML5 = eXtensible Hypertext Markup Language 5
XMI = XML Metadata Interchange
XMPP = Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol
XSD = XML Schema Definition
XSRF = Cross-Site Request Forgery
XSS = Cross-Site Scripting
XULRunner = Mozilla XUL runtime environment

IT abbreviation list - Y

Y2K = Year 2000 (also known as the millennium bug)

YAGNI = You Aren't Gonna Need It
YAAF = Yet Another Application Framework
YAML = YAML Ain't Markup Language
YAR = Yet Another Rebuilder
YCBCR = Luma-Chroma Subsampling (used in video compression)
YUV = Y'CbCr (a color space used in video compression)
YARN = Yet Another Resource Negotiator (a cluster management technology used in Hadoop)
YAGNI = You Aren’t Gonna Need It (a software development principle)

IT Abbreviation list - Z

This list now includes abbreviations related to programming languages, hardware interfaces, and frameworks. Let me know if you'd like to add more!

ZPL = Z-level Programming Language

ZCS = Zero Code Suppression
ZISC = Zero Instruction Set Computer
ZIF = Zero Insertion Force
ZIFS = Zero Insertion Force Socket
ZAP = Zero Administration Package
ZAR = Zero Administration for Remote Access
ZCL = Zero-Copy List
ZFS = Zettabyte File System
ZOS = IBM z/OS (Operating System)
ZPA = Zero-Point Algorithm
ZIFL = Zero-Index Frequency Logic
ZMA = Zero Matrix Assembly
ZNT = Zero Network Topology

More important abbreviation on IT

This list now includes more abbreviations related to programming languages, database normalization forms, and fiber technology. 

1GL = First-Generation Programming Language
2GL = Second-Generation Programming Language
2NF = Second Normal Form
4GL = Fourth-Generation Programming Language
4NF = Fourth Normal Form
5GL = Fifth-Generation Programming Language
5NF = Fifth Normal Form
6NF = Sixth Normal Form
3GL = Third-Generation Programming Language
3GPP = mobile broadband "3G" Partnership Project
3NF = Third Normal Form
4B5BLF = 4 Byte 5 Byte Local Fiber
8B10BLF = 8 Byte 10 Byte Local Fiber

What is abbreviation

Last Update: 16 Jan 2025


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Abbreviation,34,ABC of Education,23,Admission,1,Android App Tutorial,1,Apps,1,Art and Culture,1,Bangla,9,Bangla 2nd Part,1,Bangla Moral Story,1,Bangla Poem,12,Bangla Story,2,BCS Question Bank,2,best Friend quotes,1,Best friendship quote's for best friend,1,Biography,5,Biology,31,Birthday Quotes,1,Books,1,Chemistry,1,chrismas quotes,1,christmas day,3,Christmas days greetings,3,Christmas quotes,1,Christmas Quotes,2,Common Mistakes in English,2,companion,1,Composition,2,Cute Quotes,1,cute relationship quotes,2,cute romantic quotes for him,1,Daily Blog Tips,16,Daily Writing Tips,12,Definition,20,Domain - Hosting,5,eBook,1,Education News,15,English Essay Writing,3,English Grammar,38,English Letter Writing,1,English Paragraph Writing,2,English Report Writing,1,English Vocabulary,2,English Word Meaning,3,Ethics,2,Exam Preparation BD,2,Famous Christmas Quotes,1,Famous Friendship quotes,2,Famous Funny Christmas Quotes,1,Famous Funny Love Quotes,3,famous funny quotes,3,Famous Short Funny Love Quotes,3,Favorite quotes on Love and Romance,1,friend quotes,2,friendship,1,friendship quotes,4,Friendship Quotes,3,friendship quotes of Albert Camus,1,Friendship Quotes of Aristotle,1,Friendship quotes of Euripides,1,funny chrismas quotes,1,funny Christmas quotes,2,funny friendship quotes,3,Funny Love Quotes,3,funny movie quotes,3,Funny Quotes,6,funny quotes and sayings,3,General Knowledge,4,general knowledge and answers,3,general knowledge on invention for admission test,3,general knowledge on invention for bcs,3,General Knowledge on The Eye,2,General Knowledge on The Human Body,19,General Knowledge on World or Universe,1,general knowledge questions and answer,1,general knowledge quiz question,3,general knowledge quiz question with answer gk on invention,3,General Knowledge Quiz Questions with Answers,31,GK om The Mouth,1,GK on About The Bones,5,GK on About The Eare,1,GK on About The Eye,2,GK on About The Nose,1,GK on About the use of Tobacco,1,GK on Biology,3,GK on Famous Explorers,3,GK on International Organizations,1,GK on Inventions and Discoveries,1,GK on Limbs and Joints of Human Body,1,GK on The lungs and respiration,2,GK on The Digestive Organs and Digestion,2,GK on the medical discoveries,2,GK on The Muscles,1,GK on The Nervous System,2,GK on The skin,1,GK on united nation organization,1,GK on United Nations,1,GK on World or Universe,1,Guest Post,11,Health Insurance Quotes,1,History,5,History of USA,2,How to,3,Idioms and Phrases,1,IELTS,1,Inspirational Quotes,2,Insurance Quotes,1,International Headquarters,2,International Organizations,2,International Organizations and their Headquarters,2,Inventions and Discoveries,4,Isaac Newton,1,Islamic Bangla Story,1,Islamic Life,5,Islamic Life Bangla,1,Job News,1,Kazi Nazrul Islam,11,Knowledge,1,Knowledge World,3,Learn English,6,learn general knowledge online,3,Learning Quran,6,long distance relationship quotes,2,love,2,Love amp; Romantic Quotes,7,Love and Romantic Quotes,1,Love Quotes,6,love quotes for him,2,love quotes for wife,1,Love quotes of Henri Nouwen,1,Moral Stories,1,Most famous romantic love Quotes,1,Most Favourite Love and Romantic Quotes,1,Most romantic love quotes,1,Most romantic love quotes for wife or girlfriend of Aristotle,1,Moulana Tariq Jameel,1,Muhammad (SAW),3,National Anthem Collection,1,New Words,2,online gk,3,Organizations and their Headquarters,2,Organizations Headquarters,2,philosophy,3,Physical Education,6,Proverbs,1,Quotes,8,quotes about relationships,2,real relationship quotes,2,relationship quotes,2,Romantic love quotes,3,romantic love quotes for girlfriend,1,romantic love quotes for him,2,romantic Love quotes for sweet heart,1,romantic love quotes for wife amp; girlfriend,1,romantic love quotes for wife or girlfriend,2,Romantic Quoted,1,romantic quotes,2,Romantic Quotes of Henri Nouwen,1,Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay,1,Scholarship,2,School,1,Science,7,Scientist,1,second existence,1,Sentence,1,SEO,5,short friendship quotes for best friends forever,1,short funny love quotes,6,Short Funny Quotes,3,Short Love Quotes,3,Spelling Skills,1,Sports Knowledge,12,SSC Result,1,Story,1,Summary Writing in English,1,Synonyms and Antonyms,2,Technology,10,Tense,4,Top friendship quotes,1,top funny chrismas quotes,1,Top Funny Christmas Quotes,2,Top Love Quotes,1,Top Romantics Quotes,1,University,13,Verb,1,Video,3,Vocabulary,7,W.B. Yeats romantic love quotes,1,Website,10,William Butler Yeats quotes,1,Word Meaning,10,WordPress,11,World History,1,Writing Skills,6,ইসলামী জীবন বিধান,2,গণিত,3,প্রযুক্তি,1,
Knowledge World: List of Information Technology (IT) abbreviation
List of Information Technology (IT) abbreviation
Knowledge World
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