--> What is knowledge world? | Knowledge World

What is knowledge world?

Let's we know about Knowledge World. We all know that our world is a wonder. it is full of vast knowledge. In this website, I shall try...

Let's we know about Knowledge World. We all know that our world is a wonder. it is full of vast knowledge. In this website, I shall try to discuss on knowledge of universe for the students. Now Let me discuss on Knowledge World

What is Knowledge?

Man has an unquestionable thirst to know the unknown and to see the unseen.  So, he or she gathers general knowledge in various topics. Once there was a time when a man only did it to fulfill his/her curiosity but today one has to do it to build up his professional career. In this recent days, most of the countries of the world. So Lets we know what is knowledge?

Knowledge refers to the awareness, understanding, or familiarity gained through experience, education, or reasoning. It is the information, skills, and insights acquired by a person or society over time. Knowledge can be categorized into different types, including:

  1. Explicit Knowledge: Easily articulated and shared, such as facts, instructions, or documented information.
  2. Tacit Knowledge: Personal, experiential knowledge that is harder to express or transfer, such as intuition or expertise.
  3. Practical Knowledge: Related to skills and how-to knowledge, often applied in specific tasks.
  4. Theoretical Knowledge: Abstract knowledge used for understanding concepts or systems.

Sources of Knowledge

Knowledge can be acquired from:

  • Observation: Learning by seeing or experiencing things firsthand.
  • Education: Gained through formal training or studying.
  • Experience: Practical involvement in activities or situations.
  • Reasoning: Logical thinking or inference.
  • Communication: Sharing ideas, stories, or insights with others.

In essence, knowledge is a vital resource that enables individuals and societies to make informed decisions, solve problems, and innovate.

Knowledge, simply to say, has originated from the word Know. When anyone starts knowing one thing after another about something, he/she starts his journey to knowledge. Indeed man’s life on the earth is a journey to gain knowledge.

What is World?

World is a complex united whole regarded as resembling the universe. Earth, the third planet in distance from the Sun in the solar system, the only planet known to harbor life, and the “home” of human beings. From space, Earth resembles a big blue marble with swirling white clouds floating above blue oceans. Almost 75% of Earth’s surface is covered by water, which is essential to life. The rest is land, mostly in the form of continents that rise above the oceans. In a word we can say that, the world the Earth and all the people, places, and things on it.  

The term "World" can be understood in various contexts, each with its specific meaning. Here are some key perspectives:

1. Physical Perspective

  • The Earth, our planet, consisting of land, oceans, atmosphere, and all forms of life. It is the third planet from the Sun in the Solar System.
  • Example: "The world is a beautiful place full of diverse landscapes."

2. Human Society

  • Refers to all of humanity, including cultures, societies, economies, and civilizations.
  • Example: "The modern world is interconnected through technology."

3. Philosophical or Abstract Perspective

  • A realm of existence, experience, or reality.
  • Example: "In his imagination, he created a world of endless possibilities."

4. Cultural and Social View

  • Represents specific groups or environments, such as the "art world," "business world," or "natural world."
  • Example: "The world of science has advanced rapidly in recent years."

5. Astronomical Context

  • Any celestial body, such as a planet or moon, where life or activity may be present or imagined.
  • Example: "Scientists are searching for life on other worlds."

6. Metaphorical Usage

  • Symbolic representation of one’s personal experiences or inner life.
  • Example: "Her child is her whole world."

The word "world" encapsulates not only the physical domain of our planet but also the vast, multifaceted dimensions of human existence, imagination, and interconnectedness.

Click here to know details about the world.

What is knowledge world?

World of knowledge is a kind of world from where people can gather all kinds of knowledge. Our world is full of various kinds of knowledge. All kinds of people cannot gain this it. Only a few people can gain this. As for example, we can say the name of Kazi Nazrul Islam, He was not an educated person but his writings inspiring us still now. When he was a student of class nine, His poem was published in graduate level books. Think deeply about his power of knowledge. We go to school, college, or university to gather knowledge. A boy of class nine's writing read university student.   He gained him it from this knowledge world.

About this Knowledge World

This world is full of knowledge, ancient people did not know it and they had't no hid about this world of knowledge. Because they were always busy with their surviving. But now a days all kinda of people are aware of this Knowledge World, All philosopher, thinker, scientist, sociologist are deeply think about this.

We have created a E-Knowledge World from where a student to advanced learner can learn, subject wise course plane and general knowledge. E-Knowledge World means Electronic Knowledge World. Now a days electronic media is being very popular and people love to use this media invented by telecommunication system as - Computer, laptop, mobile phone etc. We have created this website with a view to increasing your knowledge. You can learn subject wise course plane in various kinds of subjects and General Knowledge in various topics from this Knowledge World.


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Knowledge World: What is knowledge world?
What is knowledge world?
Knowledge World
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