--> Handball for kids | Knowledge World

Handball for kids

Handball is another popular, amazing game in the world. This game played approximately all over the world. Now lets read about this game - Origins Handball

Handball is another popular, amazing game in the world. This game played approximately all over the world. Now lets read about this game -

Origins Handball

The origins of Handball are of great debate because it is very hard to say definitely that where and when it was started. It is said that Handball was invented and first played in Germany, back in the late 19th century, but In the opinion of the experts, the game of handball was originated in Germany in 1890. The first match of the modern era was officially recorded on 29 October 1917 in Berlin, Germany.

The first international match recorded was played on 3 September 1925 with

Germany defeating Austria, 6:3. and The International Amateur Handball Federation was formed in 1928. The International Handball Federation (IHF) was reformed in 1946. and took its current name in Copenhagen, Denmark in 1946 as the International Handball Federation (IHF). The IHF's first president was Avery Brundage an American who went on to become president of the International Olympic Committee (IOC).

Men's handball was played at the 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin. During the next several decades, indoor handball spread out and get popular all over the world. The sport re-emerged onto the world stage as team handball for the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich.

Women's team handball was added at the 1976 Summer Olympics. Due to its popularity in the region, the Eastern European countries that refined the event became the dominant force in the sport when it was reintroduced.

The game of handball was included men in 1972 in Munich Olympics and women in 1976 in Montreal Olympics. Asian Handball Federation was organized in 1974 and handball was included in Asian games in 1982. In Bangladesh handball Association was formed in 1985 it was reformed in 1985 as Bangladesh Handball Federation. At present time the game of handball is the Popular game in Bangladesh.

The laws of the game:

The first written set of handball rules was published in 1906 by the Danish game teacher, Olympic medalist Holger Nielsen. He was a teacher of Ordrup Grammar school north of Copenhagen. The modern rules were published on 29 October 1917 by Max Heiser, Karl Schelenz, and Erich Konigh from Germany. The first international games were played under these rules, between Germany and Belgium for men in 1925 and between Germany and Austria for women in 1930.

Now I shall discuss about this game's rules and regulation very shortly for the kids so that kids can learn how to play handball.
1. The handball field is 40 meter in length, and 20 meters in width. The 40-meter line is called sideline and 20-meter line is called goal line.
2. The distance between the two goal post is 3 meter. The height of the goal post under the crossbar is 2 meter. The diameter of the goal post and crossbar 8x8 centimeter is square.

3. A 3-meter line will be drawn in front of goal post parallel to the goal line at a distance of 6 meters. Then an arc will
be drawn outside the goal post 6-meter radius on both side to join the parallel line will get goal area. Total line is called the goal area line. All lines in the field are considered part of the ground. The goal line between two goal post is 8 centimeter in width,
other lines in the field will be the width is 5 centimeters.
4. The free throw line (9-meter line) will be dot dot i.e. dot will 15 cm long and gap will be 15 centimeters. The line will draw parallel to the goal area and 3 meters outside from goal area.

5. A line will be drawn from center in the goal line 7 meter distance towards the field and parallel to the goal line,
length will be 1 meter. The penalty line 5 cm in width. This 5 cm within the measurements of 7 meters.

6. A four meter line will be drawn from center in the goal line, apart four meter towards the field. This line 15 cm in length, it is called goal keeper area or four meter line.

7. The middle line will be drawn center in the both side line intersect in each other.

8. Duration of the games is 25 + 10 + 25 minutes.

9. If the play is drawn in fixed time additional 5 minutes will be played ie 5+1+5 minutes. Afterward the play is drawn, again 5+1+5 minutes play being continuing.

10. The weight of the ball is 325-375 gram and circumference 54-56 centimeter for women (above 14 years) and youth (12-16) years.
11. There are 12 players in each team. Seven players will play at a time in the court. The game will not start at least 5 players.

12. The play starts with throw off "after starting", or scoring of the goal or break.
13. For conducting the game officials is 2 referee, one scorer, and one timekeeper.
14. The court players-

a) Can catch, stop or strike the ball with hand, head, body, thigh, and knee.
b) Can never hold the ball for more than 3 seconds or advance more than 3 steps.
c) If the ball is touched by the part below the knee, to the opponent team will get a free throw as a penalty.

15. If the ball goes outside the field through the goal line or touches the hand of the goalkeeper, the game will be started by free throw:
16. Opponent team obtains free throw

a) A player tries to snatch the ball from the opponent dangerously.
b) The ball is shot with intention at the opponent dangerously.
c) The opponent player is obstructed by hand or leg.
d) A player pulls the hands of the opponent or obstructs dangerously.
e) The opponent is pushed in the goal area.
f) The goalkeeper comes out of the goal area after taking the ball into his control.

17. The opponents get a penalty throw -
a) An official or a player obstructs the opponent illegally while creating an opportunity for goal scoring anywhere in the field.
b) If a sure goal to be wasted by the illegal blowing of whistle.
e) If an opportunity a sure goal is wasted by the causes of outsiders or any objects.
18. The game will be started by the throw-in if the ball is crossed on the sidelines.
19. The goalkeeper can play the ball with any part of his body inside the goal area.

20. The goal is scored when the ball crosses the inside goal line completely. The team will scores the highest number of goals will be the winner.

Special note:

The tactics of Handball and basketball are almost the same. But handball has some additional advantages because the ball used for a hand and the ball is lighter and smaller in weight and size in comparison with the basketball. Besides the rules of hand, ball are easier and simpler than basketball.

1. Gripping the ball: The ball may be gripped in many ways while playing handball

a) Holding on the shoulder
b) Holding by the side
c) Holding below the waist
d) Holding above the head
e) Holding by jumping
f) Holding the rolling ball.

The ball may be gripped with one or two hands in the above-mentioned ways according to the situation. While gripping the ball one should spread out his fingers, keep his eyes on the ball and bending the elbow, pull the ball towards himself to bring it under control.

2. Passing the ball: Passing the ball to the players of one's own team is an important tactic. Since the ball is light and small to a great extent it is much convenient to give passes by throwing the ball in one hand. Of course, it may be done with two hands according to the situation. While throwing the ball with one hand one generally grips the ball with his right hand and taking the hand behind the shoulder line and keeping the body weight on the left leg throws the ball. The balance of the body is maintained by keeping the left hand in front. Ball passing may be of different types as to pass in line with the shoulder turning the wrist, taking the hand below the waist and from above the head etc.

3. Throwing the ball to the goal: One must master the skill of throwing the ball to score a goal in handball. It is tough to score a goal by throwing the ball is thrown from outside a particular area and the area of the goal is quite small. One must be expert to play handball and he must have speed, reflex, and flexibility. There are different types of throwing for scoring goals e.g. throwing directly. Throwing by giving passes, throwing by jump, to raise the ball by dropping etc.

4. Advancing the ball: One cannot go more than three steps with the ball in hand. So to keep it under control the ball must be bounced. In this way, the ball may be kept as long as one wishes. Again one can advance with the ball by bouncing with one hand. One may advance by bouncing the ball and crossing the opponent.
5. Obstruct: When an opponent player is advancing with the ball to score a goal, he should be presented in such a way that he is unable to pass the ball to his mate or throw the ball to the goal. To do that a player alone or two to three players build a
wall by raising their hands or with the body to obstruct the opponent.

Hope this article will help to take part in this sports for all school going children.

Volleyball for kids


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Knowledge World: Handball for kids
Handball for kids
Handball is another popular, amazing game in the world. This game played approximately all over the world. Now lets read about this game - Origins Handball
Knowledge World
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