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What is Biology?

What is Biology? Hi, This is the first lesson of Biology. I will teach you the ABC of Biology. If you read all lesson of Biology, then I think you will learn from the Basic to advance. So read, learn and share your knowledge. If you have any questions, then you can leave a comment below or ask me your questions by using this link. So let me discuss on biology.

Hi, This is the first lesson of Biology. I will teach you the ABC of Biology. If you read all lesson of Biology, then I think you will learn from the Basic to advance. So read, learn and share your knowledge. If you have any questions, then you can leave a comment below or ask me your questions by using this link. So let me discuss on biology.

Definition of Biology or What is Biology?

The word biology comes from the Greek word “Bios” which means “life” and “logos” which means “study”. So Biology means Study of life.

Biology is the study of living things and their vital processes. It is a natural science concerned with the study of life and living organisms, including their structure, function, growth, origin, evolution, distribution, and taxonomy. An organism is a living entity consisting of one cell e.g. bacteria, or several cells e.g. animals, plants and fungi. Biology covers a broad area and it separates the study of plants “botany” from that of animals “zoology”, and the study of structure of organisms “morphology” from that of function “physiology”.

So current practice tends to investigate those biological phenomena that all living things have in common. The advancement of knowledge and technology has resulted in further categorizations that include, but are far from restricted to cell biology, population biology, ecology, genetics, biochemistry, molecular biology, microbiology, and physical anthropology. You will know in details about it if you read "Classification system of biology" and the Concept of Biology. Hope you will read it attentively to increase your biology knowledge.

Before reading Concept of Biology, you must know about biology, the branches of Biology and the classification system of Biology. If you know about biology and interested to know the  Concept of Biology, then read this article.

Concept of Biology

In nature, we generally find two types of objects, nonliving things and living organisms. The characteristics of nonliving things are usually discussed in Physics and Chemistry. Biology is a branch of scientific knowledge concerning life and characteristics of organisms. It is one of the oldest branches of natural science. Its background was even created before the origin of life on the earth, and you will learn more about it at your higher classes.

By studying biology, one can acquire interesting knowledge of different plants and animals and human life. In the realm of living creation, the presence of life in a living cell is remarkable. This is why a good command of biology plays an important role in knowing more about the different parts and organ structure of organisms, different chemical activities in them, their adaptation to their environment, their intake of nutrition and reproduction.

The roles of a cell or cells in all steps of life are indisputable. Science has a great contribution in our everyday activities and developing our experience. For our living survival, the fundamental base of biology is inherent in the components of our environment. At the time of walking, our muscles conduct our legs, our nerves move our muscles and the blood circulation in our muscles provides them with oxygen, nutrition and strength.

A single-celled organism also survives, in the same way, using oxygen, nutrition and energy. For the maintenance of biological existence, all living organisms require oxygen and energy. An animal derives this energy from food produced by plants themselves and other sources.

Biology is one of the fundamental branches of science. The term biology is derived from the Greek word, bios, "life" and the suffix -, -logia, "study of." Greek philosopher Aristotle (384BC – 322BC) is called the father of biologyAs Biology is the branch of science concerned with the study of life and living organisms, including their structure, function, growth, reproduction, classification, origin and evolution.
The biological species concept defines a species as members of populations that actually or potentially interbreed in nature, not according to the similarity of appearance. Although appearance is helpful in identifying species, it does not define species. To get more idea about biology, read Classification system of biology.

Importance of Biology

As Biology immensely important area of science, In this article, I shall try to discuss in short about the importance of biology but I shall try to discuss importance of biology in details. Biology plays a variety of crucial roles in ensuring protection and welfare of all living beings on earth. With the progress of scientific development, humans are enjoying a much more comfortable life, but side by side many more problems are viciously emerging and causing a serious threat to all forms of life and their environment. In that case, biology can help human to face some critical challenges of the century, and some of these are the production of food, development of medical science and conservation of organisms in their hostile environment. In this chapter, the definition of biology been discussed.


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Knowledge World: What is Biology?
What is Biology?
What is Biology? Hi, This is the first lesson of Biology. I will teach you the ABC of Biology. If you read all lesson of Biology, then I think you will learn from the Basic to advance. So read, learn and share your knowledge. If you have any questions, then you can leave a comment below or ask me your questions by using this link. So let me discuss on biology.
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