--> Important English Abbreviations List – E | Knowledge World

Important English Abbreviations List – E

Some Important abbreviations List for all students specially for BCS and Admission test. Click on a letter to see the abbreviations beginning with that letter. Abbreviation: B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Z Abbreviations List – E EME = Electrical and Mechanical Engineering EMS = Emergency Medical Service ENA = Eastern News Agency

Some Important abbreviations List   for all students specially for BCS and Admission test.
Click on a letter to see the abbreviations beginning with that letter.

  A । B । C । D । E । F । G । H । I । J । K । L । M । N । O । P । Q । R । S । T । U । V । W । X । Y । Z  

Abbreviations List – E

EME = Electrical and Mechanical Engineering
EMS = Emergency Medical Service
ENA = Eastern News Agency
EPB = Export Promotion Bureau
EC = European Commission
ECAF = Economic Commission for Asia and Far East
ECME = Economic Common Market for Middle East
ECTU = European Confederation of Trade Unions
EFTA = European Free Trade Association
EFU = European Football Union
EIB = European Investment Bank
EMA = European Monetary Agreement
E-Mail = Electronic mail
EME = Electrical and Mechanical Engineering
EME = Electrical and Mechanical Engineering
ENEA = European Nuclear Energy Agency
ERDA = Energy Research and Development Agency
EPC = Export Price Control
EPZ = Export Processing Zone
ERD = Economic Relations Division
ESA = European Apace Agency
ESCAP = Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific
ESCUN = Economic and Social Council of the United Nations
ESRO = European Space Research Organization
EU = European Union
EURATOM = European Atomic Energy Committee
EBR = East Bengal Regiment
EC = Election Commissioner / Executive Council
ECNEC = Executive Committee of National Economic Council

Esth. = Esther.(in the Bible)
Exod. = Exodus (in the Bible)
Ezek. = Ezekiel (in the Bible)
Eph. = Ephesians (in the Bible)
Ephes. = Ephesians (in the Bible)
Eccl. = Ecclesiastes (in the Bible)
Eccles. = Ecclesiastes (in the Bible)
Ecclus. = Ecclesiasticus (in the Apocrypha)
Esd. = Esdras (in the Apocrypha)
e. = east
E. = east, eastern
E. Afr. =East Africa(n)
E. Angl. = East Anglia(n)
E. Anglian = East Anglian
East Ind. = East Indies, East Indian
east. = eastern (dialect)
Eccl. = ecclesiastical
Eccles. = ecclesiastical
Eccl. Hist.= ecclesiastical history
Eccl. Law = ecclesiastical law
Ecol. = ecology, ecological
Econ. = economics, economic(al)
ed. = edition
Ed. = edition
Ed. = Edward
E.D.D. = English Dialect Dictionary
Edin. = Edinburgh
Edinb. = Edinburgh
Educ. = education, education(al)
Edw. = Edward
E.E.T.S. = Early English Text Society
Egypt. = Egyptian
Egyptol. = Egyptology
E. Ind. = East Indies, East Indian
Electr. = electricity, electric(al)
Electr. Engin. = electrical engineering
Electro-magn. = electro-magnetism
Electro-physiol. = electro-physiology
Elem. = element(s), elementary
Eng. = England, English
Engin. = engineering
Englishw. = Englishwomen
Enq. = enquiry
Ent. = entomology, entomological
Enthus. = enthusiasm
Entom. = entomology, entomological
Entomol. = entomology, entomological
Enzymol. = enzymology
Eliz. = Elizabeth
Elizab. = Elizabethan
ellipt. = elliptical(ly)
Emb. = embassy
Embryol. = embryology, embryologic(al)
e. midl. = east midland (dialect)
emph. = emphatic(ally)
Encycl. = encyclopaedia, encyclopaedic
Encycl. Brit. = Encyclopaedia Britannica
Encycl. Metrop. = Encyclopaedia Metropolitana
Epil. = epilogue
Episc. = episcopacy
Epist. = epistle
Epit. = epitaph
Equip. = equipment
erron. = erroneous(ly)
esp. = especially
Ess. = essay(s)
Essent. = essential
Establ. = establishment
Ethnol. = ethnology
etym. = etymology
etymol. = etymological(ly)
Etymol. = etymology, etymological
euphem. = euphemistic(ally)
Eval. = evaluation
Exec. = executive
Exerc. = exercise(s)
Exhib. = exhibition, exhibit(s)
Evang. = evangelical
Even. = evening
Evid. = evidence
Evol. = evolution, evolutionary
Ex. doc. = executive document
Exalt. = exaltation
Exam. = examination
exc. = except
Explan. = explanation
Explic. = explication
Explor. = exploration
Expos. = exposition, expository
Exch. = exchange
Exch. = exchequer
Exec. = execution
Exped. = expedition
Exper. = experiment, experimental

Click on a letter to see the abbreviations beginning with that letter.
Abbreviations List:  

  A । B । C । D । E । F । G । H । I । J । K । L । M । N । O । P । Q । R । S । T । U । V । W । X । Y । Z  


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Knowledge World: Important English Abbreviations List – E
Important English Abbreviations List – E
Some Important abbreviations List for all students specially for BCS and Admission test. Click on a letter to see the abbreviations beginning with that letter. Abbreviation: B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Z Abbreviations List – E EME = Electrical and Mechanical Engineering EMS = Emergency Medical Service ENA = Eastern News Agency
Knowledge World
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