Important List of abbreviations beginning of the letter "R" For all school, college and university students. This abbreviation list is also very important and effective for various kinds of competitive examinations and viva-voce and specially for BCS and Admission test. Click on a letter to see the abbreviations beginning with that letter. Abbreviations List: B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Z Abbreviation List – U
Important List of abbreviations beginning of the letter "R" For all school, college and university students. This abbreviation list is also very important and effective for various kinds of competitive examinations and viva-voce and specially for BCS and Admission test.
Click on a letter to see the abbreviations beginning with that letter.
Abbreviations List:
Abbreviations List:
A । B । C । D । E । F । G । H । I । J । K । L । M । N । O । P । Q । R । S । T । U । V । W । X । Y । Z
Abbreviation List – U
UDC = Upper Division Clerk
UN = United Nations
UK = United Kingdom
UAE = United Arab Emirates
UNDRF = United Natione Dieaeter Relief Organization
UNCIO = United Nations Conference of International Organization
UNCIP = United Nations Commission for India & Pakistan
UNECE = United Netions Economic Commission for Europe
UNEDA = United Netione Economic and Development Mminiatretion
UNEF = United Netione Emergency Operation Truet Fend
UNEP = United Nations EnAronment Programme
UNAC = United Nations Appeal for Children
UNBRO = United Nations Border Relief Operation
UNC = United Nations Command
UNESC = United Nations Economic and Social Council
UNCDF = United Nations Capital Development Fund
UNCHR = United Nations Commission on Human Rights
UNESCO = United Nations Educational Scientific end Cultural Organization
UNFPA = United Nations Fend for Population Actitiea
UNGA = United Nations Oanaral Asaambly
UNHCR = United Nations High Commisaionarfer Refugees
UNHHSF = Unitad Nations Habitantand Human Sattlamant Foundation
UNIC = United Nations Information Centre
UNICEF = United Nationa International Children a Emergency Fund
UNIDO = United Nations Indeatrial Development Organization
UNITAR = United Nationa Inatituta for Training and Raaaarch
UNB = United News of Bangladesh
UNO = United Nations Organization
UNPKF = United Nationa Paaaa Keeping Force
UNPOP = United Nations Population Di’Aaion
UNRISD = United Nationa Raaaarch Inatituta for Social Development
UNROB = United Nations Relief Operation in Bangladesh
UNRRA = United Nationa Relief and Rehabilitation Adminiatration
UNSD = United Nations Statiatica Diuaion
UNAB = United Nations Association of Bangladesh
UAR = United Arab Republic
UCEP = Under-Privileged Children a Education Programme
UNAC = United African National Council
UNTAG = United Nationa Tranaitional Aaaiatanca Oroep
UNTC = United Nations Treataaahip Council
UNTSO = United Nationa Truce SupanAaion Organization
UPI = United Press International
UFO = Unidentified Fl4ng Object
UGC = University Grants Commission
UHF = Ultra High Frequency
UPU = Universal Poatal Union
USA = United States of America
USAID = United States Agancyfor International Development
USIS = United Stataa Information Sarca
UNCTAD = United Nations Council for Trade And Development
UNDOF = United Nations Disengagement Observer Force
USSR = Union of Souet Sovereign Republic
UNROB = United Nation Relief Operation in Bangladesh
Shortenings Abbreviation List - U
Univ. = university
usu. = usually
Unoffic. = unofficial
Utilit. = utilitarian
ult. = ultimately
unkn. = unknown
unstr. = unstressed
Urin. = urinary
U.K. = United Kingdom
U.S. = United States
U.S.A.F. = United States Air Force
U.S.S.R. = Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
To read more, Click on a letter to see the abbreviations beginning with that letter.
Abbreviation List: