Important List of abbreviations beginning of the letter "T" For all school, college and university students. This abbreviation list is also very important and effective for various kinds of competitive examinations and viva-voce and specially for BCS and Admission test. Click on a letter to see the abbreviations beginning with that letter. Abbreviations List: B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Z Abbreviation List - T
Important List of abbreviations beginning of the letter "T" For all school, college and university students. This abbreviation list is also very important and effective for various kinds of competitive examinations and viva-voce and specially for BCS and Admission test.
Click on a letter to see the abbreviations beginning with that letter.
Abbreviations List:
Abbreviations List:
A । B । C । D । E । F । G । H । I । J । K । L । M । N । O । P । Q । R । S । T । U । V । W । X । Y । Z
Abbreviation List - T
TI = Transparency International
TIN = Taxpayer Identification Number
TR = Test Relief
TTC = Traveling Ticket Checker
TTC = Technical Training Centre
TA = Traveling Allowance / Territorial Army
TAA = Technical Assistance Administration
T&T = Telegraph & Telephone
TB = Tuberculosis Bactius
TNA = Tomel National Army
TNT = Tri-Nitro Toulene (Explosive)
TOEFL = Test of English in Foreign Language
TEMO = Transport and Equipment Maintenance Organization
TMO = Telegrephy Money Order
TC = Transfer Certificate
TCB = Trading Corporation of Bangladesh
TCRD = Technical Committee of Rural Development
TDC = Thana Development Committee
THC = Thana Health Complex
TFP = Total Factor Productivity
TGTDC = Titas Gas Transmission and Distribution Company
TIN = Taxpayer Identification Number
TMO = Telegraphic Money Order
TNO = Thana Nirbahi Officer
TOEFL = Test Of English in Foreign Language
TSC = Teachers Students Centre
TSS = Telephone Shilpo Sangstha
TTC = Teachers Training College / Technical Training Centre / Traveling Ticket Checker
TTE = Traveling Ticket Examiner
TU = Trade Union
TV = Television
TYRIP = Three Year Rolling Investment Programme
TTC = Teachers Training College
TU = Trade Union
TASS Telegrafnoye Agentstovo Sovetskove Soyuza (Sovet News Agency)
TBD = Torpedo Boat Destroyer
Contractions Abbreviation List - T
Tech. = technicalTechnol. = technology, technological
Tel. = telegraph
Telecomm. = telecommunications
Telegr. = telegraph
Telegr. = telegraphy, telegraphic(al)
Teleph. = telephony, telephonic
Teratol. = teratology
Trop. = tropical
Terminol. = terminology, terminological
Terrestr. = terrestrial
Taxon. = taxonomy, taxonomic
Theol. = theology, theological
Thes. = thesaurus
Topogr. = topography, topographic(al)
Trad. = tradition, traditional
Transubstant. = transubstantiation
Trav. = travel(s)
Thess. = Thessalonians (in the Bible)
Tim. = Timothy (in the Bible)
Tit. = Titus (in the Bible)
Click on a letter to see the abbreviations beginning with that letter.
Abbreviations List:
Abbreviations List: