Important List of abbreviations beginning of the letter "A" For all school, college and university students. This abbreviation list is also very important and effective for various kinds of competitive examinations and viva-voce and specially for BCS and Admission test. Click on a letter to see the abbreviations beginning with that letter. Abbreviations List: B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Z Abbreviation list - A
Important List of abbreviations beginning of the letter "A" For all school, college and university students. This abbreviation list is also very important and effective for various kinds of competitive examinations and viva-voce and specially for BCS and Admission test.
Click on a letter to see the abbreviations beginning with that letter.
Abbreviations List:
Abbreviations List:
A । B । C । D । E । F । G । H । I । J । K । L । M । N । O । P । Q । R । S । T । U । V । W । X । Y । Z
Abbreviation list - A
- ADB = Asian Development Bank
- ABC = Assistant for Blind Children
- ADB = African Development Bank
- ADF = Asian Development Fund
- AFRC = Armed Force Revolutionary Council
- AFTA = Asian Free Trade Area
- AIBD = Asian Institute of Broadcasting Development
- AID = Agency for International and Development
- AIDS = Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
- AIT = Asian Institute of Technology
- AJKMC = All Jammu and Kashmir Muslim Conference
- AM = Ante Meridiem, (before noon)
- AMF = Arab Monetary Fund
- ANC = African National Congress
- ANZUS = Australia, New Zealand, United States Security Treaty
- AOC = Army Ordinance Corps
- AOD = Army Ordinance Depot
- APA = Associated Press of America
- APEC = Asia=Pacific Economic Cooperation
- APP = Associated Press of Pakistan
- ARCA = Associate of the Royal College of Art
- ARCS = Associate of the Royal College of Science
- ARP = Air Raid Precaution
- ASC = African Socialist Council
- ASC = Army Service Corps
- ASC = Administrative Staff College
- ASEAN = Association of Southeast Asian Nations
- ASPAC = Asian and Pacific Council
- ADAB = Association of Development Agencies in Bangladesh
- ADC = Additional Deputy Commissioner
- ADP = Annual Development Plan, Annual Development Programme
- AEC = Army Education Crops
- AFC = Asian Football Confederation
- AFESD = Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development
- AFP = Agency France Press
- AMIE = Associate Member of the Institute of Engineers
- APB = Associate Press of Bangladesh
- APL = Army Pathological Laboratory
- ATAB = Association of Travel Agencies of Bangladesh
- a (in dates) ante
- abbrev. = abbreviation (of)
- Abbrev. = abbreviation(s)
- Acc. = account(s)
- Accs. = accounts
- A.D. = Anno Domini
- Add. = addendum, addenda
- Addr. = address
- adj. = adjective, adjectival
- adj. phr. = adjectival phrase
- adv. = adverb, adverbial(ly)
- Adv. = advocate Advancem, advancement(s)
- alt. = alteration
- Anal. = analysis
- Anat. = anatomy, anatomical
- Anc. = ancient
- aphet. = aphetic, aphetized
- Apol. = apology, apologies
- Apr. = April
- Arch. = architecture
- Archaeol. = archaeology, archaeological
- Archit. = architecture, architectural
- Arith. = arithmetic
- Astr. = astronomy
- Astrol. = astrology
- Aug. = August
- Auth. author(s)
- A.V. = Authorized Version
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Click on a letter to see the abbreviations beginning with that letter.Abbreviation: